The manufacturing industry is going through massive changes over the past few decades. New technologies are being introduced in the industry for a long time but nothing became as happening as 3D printing production. Despite being in its infancy still, this has proved its inevitability in the industry. This has become the preferred choice of the makers. Commercial application has so far been restricted to prototyping but 3D printing production has revolutionized things completely.
Production of end-use parts in the manufacturing industry is growing rapidly after the appearance of 3D print production. According to a PWC survey, 11% of the companies have already opted for 3D printed products. The use of this method has dropped the production cost substantially and the duration of manufacturing has also reduced. Here we will be talking about the 5 most prevalent use of 3D printing production in the manufacturing industry. # 1. Quick prototyping: 3D printing process has been there in the manufacturing industry for the last two decades. The initial use was to create replicas of new design. This has ultimately quickened the prototyping process. In earlier days, it used to take weeks for the delivery of a single piece. But the situation has changed today with the help of rapid prototyping and obviously global shipping companies. You can even expect same-day production as well. With the earlier prototyping method, it used to take months but now the companies have been able to save lots of time and money with 3D printing. #2. Rapid design time: This printing method has quickened the iteration process. In earlier days if engineers had to create a new mold to test an engine, it would take nearly 6 months or so. And the cost was also more than thousands of dollars. But now companies like Ford are 3D printing these molds within 4 days only. And would you like to know the price? It is only $4000. This massive reduction in the cost and production time has benefited the small companies to a large extent. #3. Reduction in the production cost: On an average, the companies had to spend a lot of money in the creation of molds and tooling for the testing purpose before single end use. The cost was OK for the companies producing millions of parts but the idea was daunting for the small companies. But with 3D printing prototyping, even the small companies can survive the tough competition. #4. Customization: 3D printing has brought the option of customization. Until a few years back, if you needed to replace your knee, you would have only 5 options. But now, in such cases, your knee is scanned first and then a perfect replica is designed for you. This is what is called customization. #5. On demand manufacture: Manufacturing companies are creating multi-year supply of spare parts. They are producing parts in large quantities that can meet the demand for the next ten years or so. But managing the parts for such a long time is not an easy job. Factors like production capital, shrinkage, obsolescence, warehousing cost, insurance cost are there. So, it is simply ideal to print the products on demand. But with 3D printing production, it is possible to make what you need, when you need.
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Right from the beginning of the previous decade to the around the end of it (2001-2008) a sharp growth was seen sin the manufacturing industry. The global economic expansion of that time enticed the manufacturing industry to invest for greater infrastructure. We all evidenced huge investments by this industry for the latest equipments and modern technology but the sudden crash in the global economy allowed them to come across tough challenges and the industry had to pay the penalties for that. However, this had slowed down the growth of the global manufacturing industry but couldn’t drag an end for it. This was a good sign!
Embracing the modern technology, the industry of manufacturing is paving the way for success and no room for denying the fact that this indeed is welcoming the economic growth. The critics are still not seeing any robust growth for the industry but the truth is that countries like – China, Russia, India, Brazil etc. are considering this industry as the prospect of the economic growth in the recent future. The world of manufacturing industry is evolving rapidly with the help of technology. The application of technology has always played a very crucial role in shaping up the manufacturing industry. Now, as we have started a new year 2016, let’s have a look at the biggest manufacturing trends that companies will look at this year.
Presently is the age of global transformation and over the past few years, we have been evidencing changes in many aspects of our lives. To talk about its impact on the industrial sector, experts predict that manufacturing industry is going to witness a huge transformation in the near future. According to the annual Technology Landscape report by Citrix (an US-based software company), 2016 is going to be a watershed year for manufacturing industry and it shows evident signs of reinventions in different areas which include; automation, 3D printing, data analysis etc. Experts have also explained that in the coming five years or so, a number of things are going to change! Things will get more customized and visually enticing. 3d printing along with simple electronics will take manufacturing to the point of consumption. But at the same time, they have also cleared that the breakthrough will come only when the customized part costs will be same for each unit so that million of the same parts are produced. 3D printing, print on new materials, increased affordability are some of the facts which will lead the final result. Now, it’s time to have a look at those important factors that will remain at the center of the revolutionary change: Affordable robotics: General purpose robotics is now becoming more affordable and this is going to be one of the leading reasons for the reinvention of the industry. Inexpensive robots mean that now smaller manufacturing industry will turn to automation. This has a clear indication that from then on manufacturing job will shift around more intricate work which includes; maintain and train the robots and work on the optimizing manufacturing process. However, this has raised the debate of sharp cur in the employment although the experts from Citrix believe that more investment on the robotics will not cause much of reduction in the employment instead, this will create new roles for the era of innovation and product development. Internet-of-ThingsGlobalization will play an essential role that has no doubt and the Internet-of-things will drive the industry to the verge of success. Experts believe that manufacturing industry will remain inevitably associated with data and that would need more streamlined and efficient operation that can be achieved with this significant approach. Genuine research has revealed that IoT will connect more than 30 billion machines in 2020 which will create $1.9 trillion added value by that time. Furthermore, the benefits will comprise maintenance of machinery, supply chain visibility and most importantly – bridging the gap between production and corporate level. Marketing and personalizationEven at the recent past, manufacturing and marketing were two separate industries while the former one used to develop products and the later one would pick those up for completion. However this requires no explanation that manufacturing needs to pay sincere attention to the marketing from the very beginning.
The companies are looking for ways to present their products in a distinguished approach and this needs personalization of their product’s manufacturing and packaging too. This would be an effective way to differentiate from competitors. |
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January 2020
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