Having a quick glance on these three key factors will help the manufacturing companies to outsource the product assembly service to a credible and experienced partner.
The fall has already rung the bell of its arrival and the Christmas is approaching towards us quite rapidly. Festivals are on its way! Every company and business is looking forward to excel their abilities and productions to meet the festive requirements quite successfully and achieve the best growth out of this session. While recruiting new people could be a deliberate approach to meet the needs, it certainly costs more to the company. So, is there any better way out so that both the purposes of increased production and lower management cost are served quite effectively? YES! Outsourcing the responsibility of product fulfillment is a wiser approach towards meeting the needs of increased productions by the company but who should you count on? It could practically be a nerve-racking experience to trust another company to deal with your product fulfillment needs but the decision of outsourcing the products assembly is not a “black and white” concept. The companies are now more willing to shed the extra baggage of various complicated and expensive product fulfillment aspects and concentrate on the proficient areas of production that they are capable of fulfilling successfully by themselves. But, finding out the right product assembly company is not a cakewalk especially when factors like the business reputation and customer relationship are at stake. Taking some simple yet useful factors into consideration at the time of outsourcing the product assembly service will allow you to reach the best company in the town. Here those are – #1. Having precise Idea about costing: Having a holistic understanding about the actual costs of in-house product assembling is critically important to outsource the responsibility to the right company. Simply comparing the direct labor and material costs with the proposed expense provided by the contract assembly service provider isn’t enough since, that doesn’t actually reflect the accurate costs of assembly of a particular product line. There are some other costs involved as well such as - fixed and variable indirect costs, warehouse costing, management and IT costing, shipping charges etc. While investigating for private level product assembly companies, it’s significant to consider these charges and a trustworthy partner should provide the details upfront. #2. Do they really practice what they preach? Generally, a wide range of services are offered by the outsourced product assembly partners but, you need to be accurate with your specific business needs. It is useful to look into the presentation of the company and research whether or not they practice what they preach. Also confirm that they are specialized in particular areas that serve your needs quite successfully. More so, it is also important to consider if their service follow a streamlined process to reduce the costs and eliminate the hassles. #3. The bigger isn’t necessarily the better: There are different sizes of Original Equipment Manufacturing companies and for a small sized OEM Company to depend on a too-large product assembly company may spell the disaster. For a larger assembly company, it is difficult to serve comparatively smaller contracts and under such circumstances, to make or break the business reputation and customer relationship will be up to them. Even if the initial approach seems fine to you, as time goes by, you realize that your company isn’t getting the required attention. So, it’s important to look for a outsource partner that fits for your needs in terms of size and shapes. Outsourcing the product assembly service isn’t an easy task to perform but taking the above furnished important aspects into mind at the time of hiring the companies help approaching the right people with exact needed qualities. Prompt Assembly & Packaging Inc. is a one stop outsourcing facility for over 15 years in Toronto, Canada. Use get started resources at Prompt for your next project.
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Explore the benefits of outsourcing the product assembly service to a credible partner and how it eliminates the added hassles and extra expenses.
Modern business and its promotional concepts put a lot of stress to the product fulfillment. This helps developing credible brand recognition and most importantly, a satisfied customer relationship is maintained throughout. More so, this needs no further explanation that attractive sales figure requires equally enticing packaging and assembly of the products. But, accomplishing the needs often emerges with some sort of troubles on the company's end. Once we have an elementary concept about the possible obstacles faced during product fulfillment process, we will definitely be able to overcome them. The unavailability of efficient labors is a permanent crisis. The workload may vary depending upon the market demand and it’s pretty unfortunate with most of the companies that when there is boom in the production, there is actual scarcity of labors. Managing the balance is the key to deal with this situation. The aforementioned incident has a direct correlation with the overall costs of product fulfillment. Furthermore, other added expenses like; warehouse facilities, personnel, equipment, management etc. increases the overall costs manifolds. When put together, these factors actually distract the company core functionalities whereas; shedding these added troubles allows the companies to put the best concentration on their production. Well, various large and small industries are now outsourcing the product assembly service to crack the nut effectively. Here are some beneficial aspects of outsourcing fulfillment service and these factors contribute to an effective branding as well. · Divide & rule: Unless you are ready to divide the responsibility of your company’s production and assembly into different parts, things will only get tougher for you. Managing everything single-handedly will cost higher and maintaining an up-to-the-mark quality will also be on the line. While on the contrary, outsourcing the responsibility assures successful accomplishment of the same because the outsourced partners have qualified staffs to do the job. · Expertise through experience: The renowned fulfillment companies have been doing the task for over years and that offers them a huge experience on practical instances. Thus, the outsourced partners are capable of fulfilling more than one company’s product assembly service in a quite effective manner than the company themselves could have ever done. Most importantly, it offers great savings as well. · Reduced overhead: Managing the labors and staffs is always complicated from the company’s perspective but, outsourcing the fulfillment responsibility to renowned partners, you are free from that accountability. Those companies have trained and dedicated professionals to take care of your product assembly needs. · Safety comes costly: In order to maintain safety for the products, the companies need to pay for safety training, certification and regulatory compliance measures etc. however the companies can eliminate the costs and the added hassles by simply outsourcing the responsibility to a credible fulfillment partner that has enough knowledge about how to deal with the processes successfully. · Fixed labor costs: Different products have different market demands and that also fluctuate significantly throughout the session. This makes hiring own staffs and warehousing quite difficult more so, managing the needs of more labors comes costly when the market demand of the product is significantly lower. That’s not the situation with the product assembly companies. They are dealing with various company needs and the fluctuation of your product’s demand doesn’t really have any impact on them. You see, managing the product assembly and fulfillment gets lot easier when the responsibility is outsourced to a credible and experienced partner. But, you need to be attentive towards these particular attributes while hiring an assembly company. Prompt Assembly & Packaging Inc. is a one stop outsourcing facility for over 15 years in Toronto, Canada. Use get started resources at Prompt for your next project. Package on package (PoP) is an integrated circuit packaging method to combine vertically discreet logic and memory ball grid array (BGA) packages. Two or more packages are installed atop each other, i.e. stacked, with a standard interface to route signals between them. This allows higher component density in devices, such as mobile phones, personal digital assistants (PDA), and digital cameras.
Advantages of PoP over chip stacking There are several key differences between stacked-die and stacked-package products. The main financial benefit of package on package is that the memory device is decoupled from the logic device. Thus: This gives PoP all the same advantages that traditional packaging has over stacked-die products: The memory package can be tested separately from the logic package Only "known good" packages are used in final assembly (if the memory is bad only the memory is discarded and so on). Compare this to stacked-die packages where the entire set is useless and rejected if either the memory or logic is bad. The end user (such as makers of mobile phones or digital cameras) controls the logistics. This means memory from different suppliers can be used at different times without changing the logic. The memory becomes a commodity to be sourced from the lowest cost supplier. This trait is also a benefit compared to PiP (package in package) which requires a specific memory device to be designed in and sourced upstream of the end user. Any mechanically mating top package can be used. For a low-end phone, a smaller memory configuration may be used on the top package. For a high-end phone, more memory could be used with the same bottom package. This simplifies inventory control by the OEM. For a stacked-die package or even PiP (package in package), the exact memory configuration must be known weeks or months in advance. Because the memory only comes into the mix at final assembly, there is no reason for logic suppliers to source any memory. With a stacked-die device, the logic provider must buy wafers of memory from a memory supplier. The passage of years has brought numerous variations in assembly line methodologies. These new wrinkles can be traced back not only to general improvements in technology and planning, but to factors that are unique to each company or industry.
Capital limitations, for example, can have a big impact on a small business's blueprint for introducing or improving assembly line production methods, while changes in international competition, operating regulations, and availability of materials can all influence the assembly line picture of entire industries. Following are brief descriptions of assembly line methods that are currently enjoying some degree of popularity in the manufacturing world. • Modular Assembly—This is an advanced assembly line method that is designed to improve throughput by increasing the efficiency of parallel subassembly lines feeding into the final assembly line. As applied to automobile manufacturing, modular assembly would involve assembling separate modules—chassis, interior, body—on their own assembly lines, then joining them together on a final assembly line. • Cell Manufacturing—This production method has evolved out of increased ability of machines to perform multiple tasks. Cell operators can handle three or four tasks, and robots are used for such operations as materials handling and welding. Cells of machines can be run by one operator or a multi-person work cell. In these machine cells it is possible to link older machines with newer ones, thus reducing the amount of investment required for new machinery. • Team Production—Team-oriented production is another development in assembly line methods. Where workers used to work at one- or two-person work stations and perform repetitive tasks, now teams of workers can follow a job down the assembly line through its final quality checks. The team production approach has been hailed by supporters as one that creates greater worker involvement in the manufacturing process and knowledge of the system. • U-shaped assembly "line"—A line may not be the most efficient shape in which to organize an assembly line. On a U-shaped line, or curve, workers are collected on the inside of the curve and communication is easier than along the length of a straight line. Assemblers can see each process; what is coming and how fast; and one person can perform multiple operations. Also, workstations along the "line" are able to produce multiple product designs simultaneously, making the facility as a whole more flexible. Changeovers are easier in a U-shaped line as well and, with better communication between workers, cross-training is also simplified. The benefits of the U-shaped line have served to increase their use widely. Get started with your next assembly project with PROMPT's resources and expertise. |
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January 2020
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