The scenario of the manufacturing industry is changing with time and with the application of new technology. Different types of competitions are emerging with the changing requirements, capabilities and atmosphere of the supply chain. A big chunk of the manufacturing output has moved to the developed world. On the other hand, the actual production stages are becoming a matter of lower economic returns.
The access to higher value production mandates allows the firms to not only help themselves in growing, this is an advantage for the broader Canadian economy. However, in order to attract opportunities with higher value, companies need to assure that they have access to best talents in the country and advanced technologies. The Benefits of Investment and the Driving Factors The benefits of investment in business requires no explanation, it comes with several advantages like building a new company or upgrading the existing one or even acquiring a new company and most importantly creating employment opportunities. Below here are some factors that drive investment:
Alongside the invention of new technology, it is equally important to apply those technologies in the practical field and this is where the Canadian companies are lacking. A recent research conducted by the Microsoft in 2015 by interviewing 700 C-suite executives regarding the application of modern technologies like cloud computing, internet of things (IOT) shows that 49% of the executives believe that it helps to have a better position in the competition. 85% of the executives say that they are not implementing technology adequately while 70% of them have admitted that cost s a factor behind this. Leveraging technology for gaining effectiveness Time has come for the companies to leverage technology to come up with more benefits and increase the efficiency level like what DHL and Don-Bur did in the year 2006. They jointly developed a teardrop, an aerodynamic trailer that can save fuel and CO2 up to 12%. This invention not only helped Don-Bur to manage the local recession successfully, they became one of the most successful trailer companies in the UK. They also increased the number of stuffs and it helped the local suppliers. This sort of approaches has become extremely important now. Disruptive technology The different and innovative ways to the application of new technology is underpinning the ability of supply chains. It is improving the efficiency of the companies as well. These improved technologies include robotics, 3D printing, sensor, internet of things etc. These technologies not only reduce the manufacturing cost, it reduces lots of other costs as well and offers a smooth manufacturing practice something that is sought by most of the global manufacturers. Digital Infrastructure It requires no explanation that the future of the manufacturing is the digital infrastructure and will be data-driven. The application of Internet of Things is going to be the future that will drive the new manufacturing practices. With the new devices online and increased volume of data, the manufacturers need the access to high speed networks. However, it is pretty sad to see that Canada is presently one of the least interested countries to high speed internet service. The Digital Canada 150 Strategy has set a target of 20 Mbps download speed by the end of 2019 that falls short in large margin from countries like Germany, Denmark and Sweden where the download speed is 50 to 100 Mbps.
Despite being hammered by the global recession and competitiveness in the emerging economies, the Canadian manufacturing sector is still making a substantial contribution in the economy of the country and this is quite impressive without any doubt.
However, there is no doubt that the global economy is undergoing a massive change because of the changing technology and its various applications and also because of the growing importance among the consumers and producers. Talking about the future trend of the manufacturing industry in Canada, it includes factors like transformative technology, digital infrastructure, market access, and investment in people. The Canadian manufacturers need to recognize these factors and make use of them to win the competitive advantage. We will have a brief look at all those factors. Transformative technology The convergence of existing technologies like computers, data science and broadband in the manufacturing industry has been proved to be extremely effective. Now it is time to harness the emerging technologies like 3D printing, advanced robotics and artificial intelligence. The combined application of these technologies along with technologies like computer controlled cutting machine is finding its relevance and uses in this supply chain. One of the biggest advantages of these technologies is the brand new approach to the way products are made and also to the skill sets. Opportunities are there in plenty to harness the existing expertise in robotics software in Canada. Digital Infrastructure A big chunk of the improvement in the manufacturing industry relies on the digital infrastructure. Understanding its power and the right implementation can often bring massive changes in the manufacturing industry. The Canadian firms though have understood the ability of this application but the Canadian Telecom or rather the Canadian government is somehow looking not so optimistic about it. Some recent government decisions have created a negative impact on the telecoms to arrange world-class technology. Enhanced Market Access Access to the market is always very important. If a company is planning to sell products in any city or country, it is quite important to set up the production there. This improves the quality of service as well as the standard of products. Like what we see in case of Canadian auto parts sector. The access to the U.S. automotive market has been extremely effective and has played a very important role for the development of this industry. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the competitive transportation help largely to the access of this country in the U.S. Investment in People There is a very famous saying which goes like “Invest in people who invest in you”. Investing in people is perhaps one of the most effective investments in terms of business. In a developed country like Canada, advanced skills are very much essential to meet the requirements of research and development capacities. Countries, like Germany, make it certain at every step that access to the talents is available at every stage. They maintain a strong communicative network between the private sector, research sector and government sector. They train the talents from an early age and also offer on-the-job training and skills development. This helps to maintain and increase the country’s competitiveness in terms of workforce. There are only a few countries in the world that have achieved excellent industrial growth by widening the opportunity for generating smart investment from within the country and from others countries as well. Apart from that there are a few considerable things that make a nation competitive enough for industrial growth and business performance enhancement.
Well, along with so many countries taking part in this competition, Canada was also at a suitable position but some recent studies have revealed the decline of the country’s performance. According to The World Economic Forum’s 2014 report, Canada has fallen deep in the ranking for Competitive Industrial Performance Index (CIP). The report actually explains the capacity of a country to establish and increase the presence in international and domestic markets along with evident growth in industrial sectors and activities. According to the report Canada has slipped from the 7th position in 2000s to the 17th position in 2012. Here we are going to describe things that led this result and others positive traits that are still available in here. A Good Place For Business Despite a few negative consequences, the country is still a good place for business. It ranks 9th among the 60 largest economies in the world as a good place for business according to the study by Grant Thornton LLP. The study evaluated 22 indicators across five growth areas to come up with the ranking and those areas are; business operating environment, technology, labour market, market growth and financing environment. More so, the country ranks first for its business operating environment that considers some of the key indicators such as; foreign trade and exchange regimes, policies towards private enterprise and compilation. However, the country scores poor (ranked 20th) in technology and this is where the country lacks the progress. Unless there are enough investments for new and innovative technology, it will not be possible to support the growth of the nation. The country has a huge employer base (51,000), a negligible percentage of which uses and promotes advanced technology. Commitment to Innovation A recent research by the Digital Entrepreneurship and Economic Performance (DEEP) has identified some barriers that the country has such as; lack of financing. This is one of the largest obstacles for the small businesses to grow into large-scale companies and compete on the international platform. The country has a very poor level for average technology investment. There were some improvement in the record but that didn’t go on for long. Different studies have revealed the sharp downfall in investment by the Canadian Manufacturers and that led to a 33% technology gap between Canadian and American companies. In order to access the larger markets and increase the incentives fixed cost is required and that can come along with more investment from within the country. Recognize the Link Between R & D and Productivity According to the DEEP’s research, we can find demonstrations of links between the extensive R & D Investment and a company’s propensity to qualify as a high-growth organization. There are a few such high-growth organizations in Canada who are characterized by their export orientation and sizeable investments in R & D. it is also have been found in the report that in Canada, exporters were mainly R&D-focused and growth-oriented and they are also in the operation for more years than any non-exporters. More so, the high-growth firms spend 20% of their budget on research and innovation which also ensures the growth. Studies across the world have shown that companies that promote innovation, experience double the revenue growth than non-innovators. The Link Between R&D and Growth As it is clear now that skills and management competencies are now an important driver of SME success. Studies have found that exceptional rates of R&D investment and innovation are tightly correlated with average management competencies. Companies that invest in managerial assets through training and exposure to research, technology and international market are very likely to have increased rate of success. So far, Canadian firms are on balance and well-run but, when it comes to producing high-growth firms, the country is outperformed by US, Japan, Germany, Sweden and etc. Access to Capital An effective solution to all these problems is access to capital for financing the innovations in the form of technical demonstrations and prototypes. Without sufficient financing, innovations will simply remain ideas and will never turn into reality. Moreover, investment is required for research expansion as well. Canada’s capacity to compete with the international market will largely depend on the access to capital for early-stage capital companies. Taking care of these things will certainly bring some positive changes in Canada’s business economy and make this country competitive enough for international business market. Manufacturing Sales at Present The two key factors that are coming out as the reason behind such drastic change are the slow economic growth in the US and obviously the rise in the Canadian dollar value. However, one thing should be mentioned here that despite the sharp fall, the sales figure is tracking 1.4 percent higher compared to the sales figure of the last year during the same time. Now if we consider the sales figures in terms of the industries, the gainer in true sense has been the Petroleum and coal refining sector and the credit largely goes to the recovery in the crude oil price. Manufacturing sectors that have seen an abrupt reversal are Automobile and parts manufacturers with 10.5 percent fall from January to April. Some other industries are Aerospace – 8.5% down, Paper – 6% down and Plastic & rubber products - 4.7% down. If we look at these sales figures by province, the steepest decline was seen in Saskatchewan followed by Ontario and Quebec. The only province to experience solid manufacturing growth is Alberta due to its refinery output. The Labour Market in Manufacturing Industry Now, let’s shift the focus to the manufacturing labour market. Considering such a sharp fall in the manufacturing industry, it was pretty obvious to experience a sharp fall in the manufacturing employment sector as well. During the last quarter of the last year, 25,400 new jobs were added by the manufacturers and from the month of February to May, 36,100 job positions have been reduced by the manufacturers. However, if we consider the employment data by market value, the number is humbly higher compared to the data of the last year during January to May. It is 0.3% higher compared to 2015. The number itself may not be very encouraging but compared to the present manufacturing industry scenario, it is appreciable. If we discuss according to the province, BC, Ontario, Alberta - all these provinces have experienced job losses. The number of job cuts in BC is 14,000 in May while Ontario and Alberta stands at 11,300 and 11,000 respectively. But still the rate is higher in most of the provinces compared to the last year even in BC and Ontario. The weekly manufacturing wage rate has also come down 1.6% to $1,081 due to the flattened labour demand. Manufacturing Indicators Orders for new manufacturing goods have experienced a fall in the demand and have opened with a downside. The rate has decreased by 0.8% in the first quarter in 2016. The key reason behind this is the volatile aerospace sector. The orders are down by 40%. But the only good news is the April’s numbers; it shows that new orders are coming in the market suggesting a strong trend ahead. Despite all these downfalls in the economy, the capacity utilization in the business sectors is continuing to grow higher from 83% in the last quarter of 2015 to 83.2% in the first quarter in 2016. The capacity is tight in a number of companies like paper and wood. The facilities are being operated at 97.6% and 96.9 percent respectively. The situation is almost the same in transportation equipment utilization. The plant capacity of the available industries like food processing, primary metals and furniture is also tightening. Competition in the Manufacturing Industry The growth in the manufacturing productivity has been following a sharp rise for the last three quarters. The productivity has increased by 2.3% compared to the figure of the last year spring, However, still it is still not sufficient to cope up the losses of late 2014 and early 2015. Manufacturers though seem to be restless and this is the reason why manufacturing productivity has increased 6.1% over the past five years. One big concern is certainly the rise in the price of productivity-enhancing machinery over the past few quarters. Prices of imported machinery have increased 3.2% in the Q1 of 2016 compared to the last quarter of the last year. And if we consider the last two year span, the price has increased by almost 26 percent. And according to market data, manufacturers are planning for less investment this year. The estimated amount is $17 billion, less than 2015 ($19.1 Billion) and 2014 ($17.9 Billion). Condition for Business The already turmoil Canadian economy got another blow in the form of McMurray Wildfire. It has destroyed homes, shops, factories and most importantly millions of dollars. The impact has been highly negative and can be expected to be the same in the short-term time span. Even, it could cause a small-term recession as well. The next blow is certainly the exit of the UK from the European Union. The long-term impact of this exit is yet to unfold but as for the short-term, this is an economic downfall for sure. The stock market has crashed badly and the rate of pound has fallen sharply. The interest rate has also been affected. The real interest rate has experienced a fall of 3.7% in Q3 2015 to 2.5% in the first quarter of 2016. Source: The recent renaissance in the global manufacturing industry doesn’t need any introduction. Over the passage of time, the process and techniques of effective manufacturing has changed a lot and throughout this period, the manufacturing companies have always kept their eyes on the convenience and productivity.
Lean manufacturing is all they want! What could be a great combination for effective manufacturing? When you combine latest technology along with a set process, this ensures an accelerated productivity along with maintained quality. This is something that is referred to as lean manufacturing and all the manufacturing giants and even the entrepreneurs are striving for such a method. An excellent example of lean manufacturing Canada has been one of those few countries that have been pretty consistent with the uplifting of the modern technologies. The widespread use of technology for the manufacturing industry is leaving a positive impact on the country’s economy as well. There are numbers of manufacturing companies in Canada that are following effective ways and technologies to uplift their manufacturing process and the overall outcome from the unit. During the course, they are following some strategies and features in order to improve the effectiveness and let’s now have a quick glance at that. The features and the advantages · Visual production: Keeping an update of the production work is important and if that happens through the visual presentation, it certainly increases the awareness. Giant screens throughout the unit will provide the latest updates. · Delivery just in time: The suppliers will now be updated with the current production status. This will make delivery right in time and along with the right pace of production as well. · Advanced automation level: The implementation of advanced automated instruments has enriched the manufacturing process for sure. There are some high level automated applications like; automated torque monitoring, induction heating, robotic inspection, higher level of test cell automation, guided vehicles etc. are all part of advancement of the manufacturing process. · Green environment: Any type of manufacturing involves lots of instructions and blueprints that are mainly given away as written on papers but, having wide screens on all the plants will eliminate the needs of papers. Moreover, the returnable boxes will minimize the need of cardboards. · Ergonomic workstations: This is important for particular manufacturing units. This technology actually allows the turning of the machines above the head height. This reduces the needs of climbing sup and the potential ergonomic issues that are pretty natural. · Sterile zone: This is something that has evident impact on improving the manufacturing quality and quantity. This is a particular zone where no food, drinks, mobile phones and jewelry will be allowed because these can cause distractions for the employees. It is certain that it will ensure better product integrity of course. · Streamlined environment: In order to offer required flexibility to the employees, a streamlined atmosphere is very important. Right from using the tools and instruments to the observation of the overall productions. Following these effective features and technologies for your manufacturing unit will certainly elevate the production and of course the annual turnover of the unit. 3D printing facility has opened up a new door for the manufacturers to meet the specific requirements of the customers. Here is how businesses can improve this aspect. The necessity of proper infrastructure, an efficient team of professionals and proper resource management system is very much significant in any manufacturing company. These qualities ensure the much-needed control over the type of products. Though, the recent advancement in additive manufacturing (AM) in the form of 3D printers has changed the picture vastly. Consumers can now design and create items of their choice with the help of Computer Aided Design and simple mapping software.
The recent collapse of companies like Napster in the music industry, Uber in the Taxi industry and Netflix in the film rental industry can be regarded as the foreshadowing of digital disruption. Hence, embracing the technological advancement in the manufacturing industry is the ultimate way out for the improvement of your business. The Ultimate Open Source Effect One of the essential parts of 3D printing is obviously 3D scanning. It can use sensors like lasers and CAD (Computer Aided Design) is used to map a physical object by 3D printer. Manufacturers should think of this technological advancement more seriously. With the help of 3D printers, replicating a company’s products and components is much easier and convenient. With the continuation of the advancements, businesses can expect huge sharing of products and components. Brand Loyalty This is another very, very important aspect of any business. Building relationship with the customers is always a positive step towards the success of your business. And this is something that cannot be replicated by the improvement of technology. But the advancement of technology can contribute in this aspect. Like elements like 3D printing is a great tool to acquire the trust of the customers by offering them the best possible customized items. If your customers are confident about the quality of your products, brand loyalty will certainly be created. The Aftermarket Community When the 3D scans are in the hands of the customers, it is obvious that the aftermarket parts will become more widespread. This approach brings up an opportunity for the customers to get their products customized or configured with their preferred components. By focusing on the customization of products, any business can enter into a new revenue stream thus creating brand loyalty. Value Added Service There are ways through which manufacturers can influence the authenticity of their brand and increase the sale. Programs like warranties, loyalty program, improved customer service, value added service – all can be part of this process and should be promoted by the manufacturers. a) Warranties Offering warranties for non-consumable products create a sense of confidence among the customers about the products. Customers, who are investing their time and money into a new product or design, give much importance to warranties. So, businesses offering extended warranty program on products can move a step forward in winning the trust of the customers. b) Loyalty Programs There are hundreds of reasons for business to offer loyalty program for their customers. Loyalty programs help businesses to determine the involvement of customers, give more importance to customer preference and influence customer endorsement. Are you ready to embrace the advancement? These are certainly the beginning days for the 3D printing process but manufacturers should have the vision to anticipate the impact of this innovation. You may find companies that are hugely successful by not following the changing trends. But you should always ask yourself one question that is: will you be able to continue your success by staying stationary in this changing world? The concept of 3D printing in manufacturing is in its infancy but it has created quite a buzz so. Here are 6 of the most useful inventions created by 3D printing. 3D printing has brought revolution in the industrial sector in true meaning. Starting with small scale, it has now gone to the industrial scale and has also secured its position in the International Space Station as well. Amazing inventions are happening in the manufacturing industry with the help of 3D printing.
It goes beyond any doubt that 3D printing has the potential to change the world for a better place for living. Rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing is getting cheaper, easier and more convenient. If you haven’t got enough of 3D printers yet, here are six latest inventions by 3D printers that are certainly changing human lives for betterment. 1) The E—Nable Prosthetic Hand: The first one in the list is certainly the E-Nable prosthetic hand. This has come out as a boon for the young children with disabilities. A number of hands are stored in the files that can be printed very easily and at a fraction of cost compared to traditional prosthetics. They may not be fancy when considering the look but those are more than capable of serving the purpose and changing the life of others at a price of around $100. 2) Stethoscopes—Helping Doctors Diagnose Patients: The next invention is from the medical field. A Palestinian-Canadian doctor named Tarek Loubani has invented a low-cost stethoscope that can be created with the help of 3D printing and a few other components most of which are available locally. This is an amazing invention and doctors have admitted that it works as fine as traditional stethoscopes. 3) Doggie Wheelchairs: If you think that it has only changed the lives of humans, you need to think once again. With the help of 3D printing, you can create a customizable wheelchair designed for your dog only. This is easy and also less expensive. 4) A Micro-Wind Turbine: If you are anywhere from Nebraska, you must have noticed the huge wind turbines used to produce electricity. And you will be surprised to know that you too can create a smaller version of these wind turbines for your personal electricity supply. Different designs of wind turbines are available with varied size, shape and efficiency. You can create your own mobile power station through generator and can be used in disaster-attacked areas where there is no access to power. 5) Drones—Because Everything’s Better with More Drones: The importance and use of drones are increasing with time. While in one hand this is a preferred means of entertainment on the other hand, it has a professional use as well. Now with the help of 3D printing ability, anybody can build such drones with the available local components. One can customize the drone to meet specific requirements as well. 6) Hydroponics—For Growing Food: Foods or seeds can be grown in different manners and they can be grown in the space as well. Hydroponics is the way that can offer great results. And all the credits go to the team of 3D Ponics. They have come up with an open source system that can be created by using recycled pop bottles and of course 3D painting. So, now you can grow your plants in your convenient place with the help of 3D printing and pop bottles. 3D printing is already creating real differences in the manufacturing field and this will continue doing so. Even the biggest critics of 3D printing would agree that it has never disappointed. Energy efficiency system has a great impact on the Canadian Auto Industry. Explore the astounding benefits of energy efficiency system for the auto industry and know how you can develop that. Conventional business strategies have taken the back seat since the inception of the electricity. It is pretty simple that more production would need more energy, so as to increase the business competitiveness; it is inevitable to embrace the energy efficiency in all the sectors. It basically emphasizes the use of less energy to power up more attractive business opportunities.
Growing role of energy efficiency in auto sector In the year 1988, an obscure business journal introduced us with the phrase “lean manufacturing” and this was able to bring such revolutionary changes in the American auto industry. The industry actually went through a reinvention to cut the costs and even stay competitive. Most of the Canadian auto industry is now going through the pressure of contributing to the cost effectiveness. The changing cost equation has compelled the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) to rethink over the energy management and overhauling its approach to conservation. It’s true that the energy bills of an auto plant is certainly not the highest operating cost (merely the 20 percent) however, the increased electricity cost over the last decade or a bit more than that has led the leading companies to redouble their conservation efforts. There are a few concerns that are actually driving the auto companies to adopt energy efficiency methods and those facts are: · Rising energy costs · Incentive programs · Uncertainty of the future electric price Let’s now find out how the energy efficiency has its impact on the auto industry or what the leading auto industries are planning to make better use of energy efficiency. Industry leaders target the low-hanging fruit: There are accessories and equipments used in the cars that consume the energy and the industry leaders are targeting to reduce the consumptions for those accessories like; lighting, compressed air system, chiller systems etc. the industry is now looking forward to more energy efficient lighting and LED lighting is certainly a better alternative. It has energy efficiency, better light quality and more longevity. When it comes to the chiller system, regardless of the fact that a plant is using a series of smaller and decentralized chillers or an industrial sized central system, using optimized chilled water can cause dramatic savings on energy. Prioritizing the electricity conservation: There are of course many advantages of upgrading but there are still many plants that are running their wheels on energy efficiency. This simply means that those companies are not really aware of the great impact of conservation. The big difference is made by the little progressive companies in form of making a reinvestment of the cost earned from the energy saving technology. Overcoming the obstacles: There are short to medium shutdowns in every plant. The Oshawa Assembly Plant of GM has a two-week summer shutdown period, a week and a half around the Christmas and there are some other stretched weekends. During this time, the lines aren’t running so this clearly means that the energy conservation upgrades need to be planned effectively in order to avoid the loss of the production time. Support the energy manager: It is the grace of the lean revolution that actually has proved that Canadian auto industry is all set to take up any new way of operating, new technology and exceptional ways of producing same parts and vehicles. Today energy conservation has become one of the most common things. If apt support and resources are provided the energy managers can come up with many energy saving resources. The culture of energy efficiency has created tremendous stride over the past 15 years and now the big challenge in front of you would be to engage the employees into energy efficiency cause. Automation is utilized in many processes of today’s manufacturing sector. Many factories that are creating components and parts for a variety of industries have some type of the process automated. Robots are often used in more hazardous applications or in extremely repetitive actions that can be ergonomically problematic for human workers.
1. Decreased Overhead Costs – When a manufacturing company adds some element of automation into its production or fabrication of products, the competitive advantage is increased for the company. Through automation, the company will be able to reduce costs through elimination of staff and an increase in productivity (many robots can run 24/7). However, it is important to note that many automated systems and equipment are expensive, so these additional costs will have to be compared to the overall reduction of cost in the long run. 2. Increased Productivity – As mentioned above, many automated systems can work long hours, into the night and on weekends, which provides an overall increase in productivity. This increase in productivity, although beneficial, may be slowed by other non-automated factors, such as product finishing, final packaging, and shipping. A cost comparison of skilled workers versus an automated system with all the factors from start to finish is the best analysis to determine if increased productivity can offset any human staff-related costs. 3. Consistency, Reliability, and Accuracy – Automated equipment and robotics can manufacture and continually repeat consistent final product results. The addition of automation eliminates the common issue of human error that may detract from the overall quality of production. Manufacturing processes can be carefully regulated and manipulated in order to maintain overall quality. This is a key advantage of automated equipment—the human error element is greatly reduced providing assurance that parts and components will be of consistent high quality. 4. High Volume Production – Automation is a valuable resource when a manufacturer is producing high volumes of components or parts. However, it isn’t very useful for lower volume production, as the expense for tooling and operating the machines can often outweigh the overall cost of the finished product. 5. Increase in Safety – The use of robotics and automated equipment is an effective way to prevent worker injuries. Many of today’s automated production devices keep workers a safe distance from the more hazardous areas of work. Human staff is still needed to operate and program the equipment, but the actual hands-on work is left to the machine, protecting the health and safety of staff. In addition, robots are able to work in extreme environments such as very hot or cold areas of a manufacturing plant. This allows workers to be free of additional harm from elements harmful to humans. Today’s manufacturing incorporates the skills of trained workers with the precision of automated equipment and robotics. This combination of automation and a skilled work force provides a strong operational base for North American companies to be competitive both here and overseas. For industry expertise and get started resources contact PROMPT Assembly and Packaging Inc. A gasket is a mechanical seal which fills the space between two or more mating surfaces, generally to prevent leakage from or into the joined objects while under compression. Gaskets allow "less-than-perfect" mating surfaces on machine parts where they can fill irregularities. Gaskets are commonly produced by cutting from sheet materials.
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January 2020
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